There’s Something for Everyone Going On at Harlan Days
Huge fun to be had for this years event!! There will be plenty of fun and activities and don’t forget we’ll have rides, our famous t-shirt give away, all the regular yummy fair food.
Thursday (Aug. 1st): (5pm-10:00pm)
5:00pm – Midway and Huesman Amusement Company Rides
6:00pm – Official Opening ceremony by the park flagpole with Sunny Taylor singing our National Anthem
6:05pm – Bingo tent opens (till 10pm)
6:05pm – Basketball Tournament Begins
6:05pm – Coed Softball Tourney
6:05pm – Arena gates open
7:00pm – Live Music begins at the Moonlight Theater: Whoa Man
7:00pm – Harlan 500 Bump & Run (Arena, $10 Entry, $5 12 and under, gates open at 6:00)
Friday (Aug. 2nd): (5pm-11pm)
5:00pm – Carnival Rides & Midway reopens
5:00pm – KOI Drag Racing Practice and Registration begins
6:00pm – 3rd Annual Harlan Days Pickleball Tourney (till 9pm)
6:00pm – Bingo tent opens (till 10pm)
6:30pm – Arena gates open
6:30pm – Cornhole Singles Tournament
7:00pm – HCYC Kickball Tournament for grades K-6 (Register at diamond 4 at 6:45pm)
7:00pm – KOI Drag Racing Eliminations (Arena, $10 Entry, $5 12 and under, gates open 6pm)
7:00pm – Live Music begins at the Moonlight Theater: Fansler Kid
Saturday (Aug. 3rd): (7am-11pm)
7:00am – Pancake Breakfast at the Shelter House
7:30am – 12th Annual Harlan 5k Fun Run/Walk ($20 entry fee, registration starts at 7am)
8:00am – Parade check-in at the Community Center parking lot, *no day of entries
10:00am – The Grand Parade (Starts South route down Spencerville Rd. towards ST RT 37. If you are interested in being in the parade please email harlandaysparade@aol.com to request a form.)
11:00am – Cornhole Tournament Doubles
11:00am – Carnival Rides & Midway re-opens
11:00am – 3v3 DEK Hockey Tournament
12:00pm – Bingo tent opens (till 4pm)
12:00pm – Jeep Show starts (till 3pm)
*1:30pm – Approximately between 1:30-3pm, Allen County Sheriff’s Department K9 Demonstration time to be announced later
2:00pm – Kiddie Tractor Pull
5:30pm – Arena gates open
6:00pm – Rodeo Meet & Greet ($20 fee)
6:00pm – Coed Volleyball Tournament (practice starts at 5pm)
6:00pm – Bingo tent re-opens (till 10pm)
7:00pm – Live Music begins at the Moonlight Theater: City Lights
7:00pm – Harlan Days World Champion Rodeo by ABP Rodeo Company (Arena $10 Entry, 3 and under free, Rodeo Meet & Greet $20, gates open 6pm)
10:30pm – Raffle Drawing
Our 2024 Arena Sponsors are:
A very special thanks to:
Special thanks to the Springfield Township for their continued support and donation to the Harlan Days festival.
Festival entry and parking is free!
*All events and times are subject to change due to poor weather. As volunteers report information, times, cancellations, corrections, or other details we will post them here unless those changes are made during the festival or on an event day. Stay tuned for updates. If you have information about an event, please use the contact us to let us know.
It's a short drive to festival food & family fun.
Harlan Days Raffle
Find out about the official annual Harlan Days Raffle.