What is demo derby soccer? It involves demolition derby cars, a 6 foot soccer ball, and mini-excavators acting as the goalies. Three cars on each team try to score goals while also avoiding getting smashed up. Though “technically” the object is to score goals, not immobilize other cars. And the best part is, you can enter a car or come watch from the stands.
Come join us at Harlan Days Saturday morning and stay for rides, food, and then to see this special event starting at 7:30pm. Tickets are just $5. Kids 5 and under are free.
Want to participate in the demo derby soccer event and have your shot at 1st or 2nd place prizes? It’s just $25 for car and driver entry. Crew pit passes are $10. Sign up starts at 4pm, but make sure to download this demo derby soccer flyer then contact Neil Koch: nkoch1976@gmail.com or Alex Zurbrugg: 260-385-5699 for complete rules and safety guidelines.